Allertol, The Allergy Drop Solution

Allertol The Allergy Drop SolutionAllergy Drops, Not Shots: Simple....ALLERTOL® 


Allergy Frequently Asked Questions

Airborne vs Delayed Food Allergies

What is an allergy?

An allergy is a immune system disorder characterized by abnormal reaction to a substance that is not expected in the average person. The concept of allergy was first introduced and defined in 1906, by a pediatrician from Vienna named von Pirquet, describing abnormal reactions to food, pollen and dust.

Why did I develop allergies?

The tendency to develop an allergy may have to do with genetics and to repeated exposure to a food or airborne substance. This can allow dander, dust mite and pollen to induce an allergic response from your immune system. Research has implicated a malfunctioning FOXP3 gene, that can affect T cells. These cells can induce tolerance to foreign protein substances that are eaten or inhaled.  Certain regulatory T cells appear to be important in preventing damage from inflammation. They can send messages to the immune system to allow safe passage of foreign proteins. It is hoped that further research can produce more functional Treg cells and thus a more tolerant immune system for the allergy sufferer.

What areas are affected, and what symptoms can occur from allergies?

Delayed T cell mediated immune reactions can affect all body systems, especially respiratory, digestive, vascular, nervous and integumentary (skin).  Symptoms from airborne allergies mostly are respiratory, such as nasal congestion, cough and seasonal asthma. Eyes that itch and water (conjunctivitis) is also common. 

Symptoms from delayed food allergies can affect multiple body systems, and can cause  chronic nasal congestion, GI problems, headache, inner ear, and skin itching / eczema / rashes.

Airborne allergies may worsen seasonally, especially on a windy day.  Animal dander, house dust mite, and mold cause perennial symptoms.

Delayed food allergy is perennial, does not worsen outdoors, and is a common cause for rotating nasal blockage that worsens supine, as well as a major cause for restless sleep, snoring, dry mouth and fatigue.  Nocturnal nasal blockage often results in abuse of nasal decongestant spray, nasal strips and chronic use of antihistamine-decongestant medications. 

In addition to nighttime nasal blockage, other symptoms may include persistent runny nose, repeated sneezing, itching of the ears / nose / eyes, throat clearing, common headache, migraine headache, sinus infections, middle ear problems, skin itching, hives, eczema, cough, and wheezing.

Multiple gastrointestinal problems can be caused by delayed food allergies.  IBS-diarrhea, abdominal bloating and cramping, gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) with itching of the middle of the upper back and trouble swallowing.

Recurrent inner ear problems of fluctuating muffled hearing / ear fullness, intermittent ear noise / tinnitus, noise sensitivity and dizziness (Meniere's) have been associated with delayed food allergies.  The effectiveness of the Allertol Method in diagnosing and treating symptoms of Meniere's has been documented in a retrospective study of dozens of patients over 2 years. 

Delayed food allergy is a common cause of nasal polyps and allergic 'shiners'. .

How do sublingual drops work?

Food proteins in the allergy drop solution are taken up by Langerhans giant cells in the mouth, which travel via lymphatic channels to lymph nodes in the neck, where T cells of the immune system detect these food proteins, then release anti-inflammatory cytokines.  These friendly messenger molecules travel throughout the body reaching all of the body systems.  This "down regulates" the immune system and reduces inflammation of body systems, resulting in symptom recuction.

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Is Sublingual Immunotherapy FDA approved?

Yes, the FDA has approved SLIT (sublingual immunotherapy) in the form of tablets for weeds tree and grass allergies.  The FDA has approved the extracts used in sublingual immunotherapy many years ago, for skin testing and allergy shots. The FDA permits the medical practitioner to offer allergy drops "off-label" when it is in the best interest of the patient to do so.  The safety and convenience of allergy drops is definitely in the patients best interest.

Are other FDA approved products being used “off label” by doctors?

Yes. The cosmetic use of Botox is an example. Botox was originally approved by the FDA for treatment of muscle spasm. But its “off label” cosmetic use for treating facial wrinkles was commonplace, prior to its final approval by the FDA on April 15, 2002.

Does everyone get the same thing in the vial?

No. Each individual receives specific dilutions of antigens depending upon history and clinical evaluation. In the case of the airborne allergy vial, results from IgE blood test are used to determine safe starting doses of the various pollens, molds, animal danders, dust mite, etc.

In the case of delayed food allergies, a detailed history and sublingual evaluation using the Allertol Method is done to determine which food proteins are used in the drop solution.

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Can allergy drops used in the Allertol Method be used to test and treat immediate food allergy?

The Allertol Method of testing and treating delayed food allergy symptoms from common foods in the diet is not used for sudden severe immediate food allergy, such as the anaphylactic reaction to peanut.  Immediate food allergies are "IgE" mediated, and can be detected in a blood test.  Delayed food allergies are "T cell mediated" and can be detected with elimination diets or more easily, the Allertol Method.  Blood tests for IgG antibody are useless, as they simply document common dietary foods

What can I expect from allergy drops?

The food allergy drops used in the Allertol Method test and treat the cause for multiple symptoms.  A symptom - relieving solution is determined using small dropper vials over several days This solution is then used in larger "pumper vials" to deliver drops long term.

Airborne allergy drops treat the cause for seasonal and perennial airborne allergies, formulated using specific IgE  blood  tests of regional pollens, animal dander, house dust mites and molds.  "Pumper vials" are custom made using this information;  the strength is then built up over several months.

Food and airborne allergy drops provide safe and effective long lasting solutions for many chronic problems.

What alternatives do I have to treating my allergies?

Airborne -  limit travel to high pollen areas such as the Texas Hill Country in winter, if Mountain Cedar is a problem allergen.  Avoid animals if there is a dander allergy, especially cats.  Using a mite proof pillow case can help, as well ad avoiding feather bedding, when a mite allergy exits.  Detecting and fixing water leaks can help with mold allergies; also indoor plants and old carpeting can be problematic
Food - elimination diets can be helpful, temporarily; diets do not alter the immune system

Airborne - pre-medicate on high pollen days with antihistamines, steroid sprays, anti-leukotrienes. Prescribed oral steroids can offer temporary relief, but have many side effects.  After outdoors activities, drop clothes in the washer and shower.  HEPA filters for central air system can help. 
Food - chronic decongestant medications can help somewhat.  Probiotics and collagen can help with "leaky gut"

AIRBORNE - Allergy shots and drops are effective; shots however carry risk of anaphylactic reactions.
INTRALYMPHATIC IMMUNOTHERAPY (ILIT) - (shots into lymph nodes) have been popularized since 2008. 
--- A study in 2020 ( showed good effectiveness.  However, one patient developed sarcoidosis 3 months after a booster shot.  A fourth of patients complained of injection site pain.  About half complained of swelling, redness and itching at the injection site. 
--- A study in 2017 (Allergy Asthma Immunology Research) again showed good effectiveness, however there were 2 out of 11 patients studied who developed anaphylaxis from injections in the lymph nodes.
--- Injecting allergens into lymph nodes shows great promise bud adverse events limit its widespread use. More studies are pending.

FOOD - At this time, the only proven immunotherapy for delayed T cell mediated hypersensitivity immune reactions to common food allergens is the Allertol Method:  evaluated since 2007, treating several thousand patients, 2 medical patents, independently evaluated and successfully used by allergy lecturer Neal Rogers, MD.

When can I stop taking medications that I have been using to treat allergy problems?

As symptoms are relieved, medications can be tapered and then usually stopped.

How long should I expect to receive the allergy drops before I am “cured”.

Sublingual immunotherapy requires up to 5 years for relief of allergy symptoms.  When symptoms are controlled, the drops are tapered from 3 / day --> 2 / day, then eventually 1 / day before immunotherapy is completed.

How long will it take before I can notice some relief of my allergy symptoms?

Symptoms from delayed food allergies may start to improve as soon as the second day of sublingual drop testing. Relief of symptoms continues to improve over several years of sublingual immunotherapy.  Airborne allergy symptoms start to improve by the second month of sublingual immunotherapy.

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Does it matter if I eat around the same time I take the drops?

Do not eat or drink before taking the allergy drops.  Drops are best upon awakening, afternoon, and bedtime. The afternoon drop can be taken up to 5 minutes before eating. 

Besides molecules of food or airborne antigens, and sterile water, what else is in the allergy drop vial?

Pure glycerin from a plant source, as a preservative.

Have there been severe anaphylactic reactions / deaths from using allergy drops or shots?

In 2007, a 15 year literature review reported by Dr. Leatherman from Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, there have been no life-threatening reactions reported with allergy drops. Food allergy drops are not given to patients with a history of anaphylactic reactions to common foods. Millions of allergy drops have been given safely to patients.
Allergy shots have produced fatal anaphylactic reactions, rarely.

Can food allergy drops cause symptoms to worsen?

During food allergy drop testing, common symptoms can worsen temporarily, when the dilution being tested is too strong.  This is considered a positive test, and requires weaker dilutions be used for further testing. 

By far, the most common reaction is multi-symptom relief !

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What is concomitant food allergy?

Certain foods, when eaten during your allergy season, can make your allergies worse.

  Concomitant Foods
Elm milk, mint
Ragweed milk, mint, melons, banana
Marsh Elder wheat
Pigweed pork, black pepper
Posion Ivy/Oak/Sumac pork, black pepper
Cedar beef, yeast
Grass apple, carrot, celery, potato
Oak egg, apple
Cottonwood lettuce
Pecan corn, banana
Mesquite cane sugar, orange
Molds cheese, mushrooms, candida, ground molds
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Clinic or Telemedicine Appointments

Telemedicine and Telehealth
Online Medical Visits
Home Allergy Testing & Treatment

• Allergy Drop Test Vials
& Treatment Pumper Vials
• Quest or LabCorp Test Forms

Rogers, Neal MD Otolaryngologist
202 S Montana St, Butte, MT 59701
Phone: 406-723-6526
Link to Map with Directions

Shea, John P. MD Otolaryngologist
11797 South Fwy, Ste 132, Burleson, TX 76028
Phone: 817-551-1010
Link to Map with Directions

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